With 20 yrs experience, trust us to give you back your self-image and confidence.

Call Miriam on 086-8385097 to arrange a first appointment in our Galway, Athlone or Tullamore clinics

Eyebrow makeup

If you have alopecia or are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment your eyebrows and eyelashes may fall out.

Jeanette Fitzpatrick and her team from Diamond Cosmetic Solutions visit The Wig Clinic locations in Galway, Athlone and Tullamore for permanent make up by prior arrangement. Should you require more information you can call Jeanette directly on 086 0580238.

Open your eyes with subtle eyeliner. Achieve soft refined brows with the new hairstroke ultra natural effect. Look perfectly groomed every day.









The-wig-clinic-Ireland-LogoContact The Wig Clinic

Galway Clinic: 32 Newcastle Rd., Galway.
Athlone Clinic: 4 Garden Vale, Athlone.
Tullamore Clinic: Drumhill House, Arden Rd., Tullamore.
Call Miriam on 086-8385097