Hair Pieces
Depending on the nature of your hair loss, sometimes a full wig is not what you need.
At The Wig Clinic we specialise in custom made hairpieces designed to your exact requirements and to blend in seamlessly with your natural hair. We use the Transdermal Hair RestorationTM system (otherwise known as THRTM) a non invasive hair loss solution that addresses hair loss through the creation of a skin-like graft crafted to the exact site of hair thinning or balding area then infused with human hair, matching client’s own colour, texture and wave.
With this latest technology, no one need know that the hair growing directly from your scalp has actually been restored.
With its revolutionary breathable ‘skin’ THRTM enables you to perform any physical activity in complete security, eliminating most aspects of the daily maintenance associated with traditional hair replacement products, and the uncertain outcomes of some surgical solutions.
THR has successfully bridged the gap between non-surgical and surgical hair loss solutions, providing a new alternative that effectively combines the skills and artistry of a surgical procedure with the appeal of a reversible non-invasive method, while providing a cosmetic result superior to both.
The Wig Clinic has been using this system of hair replacement in Ireland for the past 10 years, with remarkable results and many very satisfied Irish clients.
As well as the obvious cosmetic benefits to men and women suffering from hair loss the THRTM system is also ideal for those suffering from temporary hair loss as a result of medical treatment or permanent hair loss due to trauma or burns.